Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

tiem false start

so, soon after the holidays each member of Team False Start is going to have a portrait of themselves against this background.

the idea of the letter cutouts is that each one of us will have a different letter in our portrait, and when put together the pictures spell out "T.E.A.M."

and introducing the fifth member of TFS:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

MillionMiniMarchMart! at Meltdown in March!

Send us an email with any and every mini zine you have.
we want it.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


soo close to being done. needing to be re-rendered in a few places and clean up the type.

sooo clooooose.

Team False Start strikes again

new cover in the process for our next happening at Meltdown Comics

for ideas on events or DIY workshops please
contact Meredith or Team False Start

Thursday, December 2, 2010

SSTM: backside

Team False Start

recently i've been working with some amazing ladies to produce monthly events at Meltdown Comics hosted by Flase Start Distro

ironically, as the only member of the producer committee who is ignorant to zine culture, i have been given the task of creating a faux zine, acting as our monthly brochure.

this is a keepsake for guests with a short description of the current event and another short description of the following month's event. blah blah blah, its nearing completion.



just a few more adjustments.
show up in person to see the final outcome!