MARIONETTES! PUPPETS! & MUPPETS! Sculpting heads again. I haven't done it in a long while so I bought some sculpy and started to play around with it yesterday.
I didn't draw these. Danielle Camilo is at fault for this wonderful design/illustration. This isn't the invite. These are from the "Save The Date" letters. Two color print.
I've gotten a lot of people calling him Sean Connery, but I've also found that there are a surprising number of people who haven't watched the Twilight Zone.
Sometimes they come true & mostly they fall short. Since earlier this year it seems I am more intolerable of crits & pass the time doodling rodeo harlets.
a Los Angeles native
Living with a bike
Self described wonderful
A graduate of Otis College
Influenced by creepy and the mail
Fond of syllables and puppets
Inspired by narrative songs, sunglasses, and palindromes.
SiMON Makes Pretty Pictures